Thursday, June 10, 2010

Is This The Real Thing??

I've been having contractions since about 5 pm (Wednesday). They were miserable all through the time I was making dinner, (chicken tacos) and honestly, the smell made me think I might puke at any second. Needless to say, I did not eat with the boys, but, I sat at the table with them anyway. Later, I felt a little better, so I made myself a modified quesadilla out of the leftovers. I ate one small piece of it, and decided I didn't want any more to do with it. Eating through contractions is hard to do.

GW & I watched a movie, but I couldn't sit through it. I ended up folding laundry on the edge of the bed while standing & watching the movie. I had to do something, because I felt silly just standing there. Sitting on my birth ball seemed to piss Alex off, he kept headbutting me, and violently kicking my ribs for more space.

After the movie, I decided to take a bath, and this seemed to calm down the contractions... for a little while. I started having more, so I got up, washed my hair, and rinsed off. I had to stop a couple of times during this to breathe.

I was trying not to get excited, this is the 4th Wednesday in a row that I've felt like I might be going into labor. Wednesday is now officially "False Labor Day", so I was sort of expecting this. Anyway, I got out of the shower, and dried off a little. Of course, now that I was out of the shower, I had to pee. Figures. I checked my TP (I'm an obsessive TP checker at this point, lol!) and the was pinkish stuff on it. OMG OMG OMG!!!

So now I'm wondering if today will be Alex's birthday. I'm still having contractions, but I haven't been timing them. I don't want to wake up GW unless it's for real, and I'm not really sure yet. I've felt worse on previous "False Labor Days", so I don't want to jump the gun.

I want to be excited, really, I do... ughhhh... contraction... 8 minutes since the last one. This sucks.

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