Friday, August 20, 2010

So... That's awesome, hun.

GW & I have an open communication policy. As in, when our exes and/or former lovers communicate with us, we're open about it. The science behind this is if we're telling, we're not hiding anything. And sometimes, the crazy stuff they do is amusing.

So, a couple of weeks ago, I got a random text ("Is this still your number?") that turned out to be from Mr. Wonderful, who I haven't heard from in, oh, about a year and a half, at least. So, oh course, I related this text conversation to GW. I'm guessing that Mr. Wonderful heard from my brother about my succesful pregnancy, and was ticked off, but of course, I didn't mention Alex to him at all. It only occurred to me after that that may have been the reason for his sudden interest.

Yesterday, GW got a Facebook message from his ex-wife. He'd forgotten thier wedding anniversary. :P She's all re-married and had a kid of her own with her new hubby, and she still won't leave off.  She wrote something like how she was thinking of him, and wondered what her life would be like if they'd stayed together, and that Alex is a really cute baby, she wonders, if they'd had a baby like she wanted, what would it look like... blah blah blah.

Part of the reason he left for good was that she was pushing to have a baby, and he thought (at the time) that he never wanted kids. They had a "trial separation", and when he came back, she laid down "Either we start trying now, or we're through'", so that was it.  

What is with our crazy exes?

GW thinks it's because we're so awesome, they can't give up. Uh huh. I'm sure that's it. My theory is that they're just crazy control freaks who can't leave well enough alone.

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