Tuesday, August 10, 2010

8 Weeks Old! With diaper rash... and misery...

Now in his eighth week of life outside, Alex is going through a growth spurt... again. His routine is: OM NOM MOM!!, poop, sleep. Rinse & repeat, ad infinitum...
While this sounds awesome, it's not.

OM NOM MOM!! takes fooor-eeev-eeer... He's still lazy at the boob.

Poop is actually not so bad. This is when he's happiest. Go figure. I get the best smile pictures when he's pooping.

The sleep part sucks because he's a snugglebug, and only wants to sleep near me. Well, not just near, on. On my boob as a pillow. It brings new meaning to "dirtypillows". Heaven forbid I try to move to get more comfortable, or get up to pee. Or eat. Or do anything else.

And, to top this off, he's got a reoccurring diaper rash. The only thing that fixes it is to put cloth in his g-Diaper covers, instead of the disposable inserts, and covering him in cornstarch. Which he likes to punch off the diaper changing table. I'm learning where he can and can't reach it.

So far, I don't have any "real" cloth liners for the g's, I've been using folded up flannel burp cloths, and they work pretty well. Even when he soaks them, which is every time because he pees a LOT, he doesn't get a rash from it.
The burp cloths are the ones I made in preparation for going to the hospital. Everything there is drenched in chlorine, which I have a severe (almost so bad that I need an epi-pen) allergy to. So I couldn't use (or even touch) any of their cloth stuff. We brought everything from bedsheets to wash cloths. Luckily, I was able to find a dark brown, king size, flannel sheet set for about $16 at J.C. Penney.

It was promptly reduced to the proper sizes for receiving blankets (it made 6 big ones) and the rest went to various other small sizes I thought I might want. I only used the fitted sheet, so I had the flat sheet for the L&D bed. It was more than large enough to double over. I'm thinking about chopping up the flat for diaper liners, too, even though I had wanted to use it on the bed this winter as an additional non-bulky co-sleeping-safe layer. *sigh*

Maybe I'll just buy a new flannel sheet when the time comes... I don't know. The dark brown was great, because there are absolutely no bloodstains on any of the stuff I made. I'm not sure if it's the color that hides it, or if it's the detergent I use, Rockin' Green. (which does rock) Short story: It's made for cloth diapers, but I use it on everything because my skin's so sensitive, and we have really hard water.
We live on the same aquifer that Poland Spring uses for their bottled water. Our well water tastes FABULOUS, but, it's ridiculously hard to find soap that washes well in it. I tried a sample size, because I wanted to see if it could fix my skuzzy sheets, and fell in love. So now, it gets used for everything.

So, back to the Great Diaper Dilemma. I'm trying to convince GW that we need to switch to cloth exclusively. He thinks it'll be a pain in the ass. Well, Alex's ass is in pain, so there. :P Sure, it's costly to start doing, but I'm thinking of all the $$$ (and landfill space) we'll save in the long run. I don't mind doing laundry, and rinsing out crappy cloth doesn't bother me either.
He's given me the go-ahead to get a few to try out, since today I tried using the 'sposies again, and the rash came right back... We'll see how this works, once I get them. I'm still deciding on what ones I'd like to try, though...
There's sooo many options, it's kind of overwhelming.

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