Friday, August 6, 2010

Nursing In Public

I'm famous! Or, at least, my boobs are! :D GW informed me that one of his co-workers wanted to put a picture of me feeding Alex up in the hospital lobby. I said sure, which one? It was this one:

She said it was "just beautiful". She especially liked my nail polish. It was taken (by me) not more than an hour after Alex was born. I was still in the L&D room, it was during our first BF session.

I'm not shy about feeding in public- and that's about as public as it gets. Aside from putting a picture on teh interwebs. I figure if hundreds of perfect strangers walking into the hospital lobby are going to see it, it doesn't bother me to have it here for everyone else to see, too.

I recently got a nursing cover (see post below). I hardly ever cover in public, because it's a pain in the ass. But sometimes, I do. Why? Sun. The EVIL SUN! We have sunshades in the car(If we're out, I prefer to feed Alex in the car because it's much more comfortable than a bench or chair, and less dirty than plopping myself down wherever on the floor), but they don't always work as well as I'd like them to. There are gaps, etc., and the sun gets in Alex's eyes. He hates it- and so do I. There's nothing worse than trying to feed a baby who's crying & fussing because the sun is blinding him. And, him being so little, I can't put sunscreen on him. So I'll be using it to prevent burns as well.

Later, I expect it to come in handy when he wants to look around. TJ was a distracted nurser, and it was painful. I figure this is akin to putting blinders on a shy horse, but it should work. TJ became a master at ripping off the blanket in a very short time.
I have already received the cover- the material is light, so it shouldn't get too hot. This will be a much better solution than putting a flannel blanket over us when it ten bazillion degrees out, without the worry that he's going to suddenly rip it off me, and getting eyefuls of evil sunbeams.

Almost everyone in the family is ok with me feeding Alex whenever/wherever I please... Except GW's brother. He has nothing against breastfeeding in general, he says, but he'd prefer not to view my breasts. Just mine. If it was a stranger, he wouldn't care. Where is the logic in this? He doesn't want to see GW's "property"- like it would be a horrible transgression. GW has tried to explain that he doesn't care, it's not sexual in any way. What is so different about BF and camp? There's very little room for modesty there- it's a one-room cabin. I've heard him getting down with his girlfriend more than once. Maybe I should mention that, in front of the rest of the family, and watch him blush. I'm so tempted to... Oh, the evil things I think of saying...

1 comment:

  1. I honestly wished I saw more people nursing in public (and not because I'm a perv, though I do love the tatas). When I was trying my damnest to breastfeed my first daughter I knew no one who breastfed and never saw it. It would have been a great encouragement to have seen it...

    Now with Kaylee I still see no one... but that will not stop me. I hope that maybe some mum might see me and be encouraged to kick the society's sad taboos aside.

    Go you! Nursing in public!

    And I should note, I wish covering worked with my daughter, though sadly she's at the age where she just pushes it up and out of the way.


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