Sunday, December 12, 2010

Stash Shots!

 When I took  my first "stash shot", it was cute and tiny... Well, Alex was tiny, too. I had to wash every night, and sometimes use the sposies I had to fill in, like if I knew he was going to poop, and it wouldn't be on him for more than 20 minutes.

I got burnt out staying up until 2 or 3 am every day to wash the diapers. Finally, I threw a fit of overtired rage at GW, and I got more diapers. As luck would have it, this was when Fuzzibunz perfect size went on sale, and GW said I could get 6 more. I got them from, because they had red. And I really wanted a red one. When comparing prices, I had added 6 to my cart at Kelly's Closet... They sent me an email saying I hadn't paid for my cart. Since they are the same company, I though "Oh no!! My diapers aren't on their way??" and I ordered them. The ones I had ordered before arrived that day. I hadn't read KC's policy about no cancellations, so after some frustrating emails, I told GW about my mistake. He said we could keep them, as he didn't want to pay shipping on them twice if I could use them. So, I got 6 more. Then, I got into making diapers, and bought a few WAHM dipes, too. 

Covers, stuffers, etc...

 These aren't all of them, though, I have more. Some were dirty, and I have made others, too. We don't really use the BumGenius diapers anymore, only as a last resort, because Alex's butt doesn't like the lining they use. The bat dipe I made is too small already, but the longies still fit.

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