Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I Am Sew Happy!

WOOHOO! My experimental diaper is a success! I just need to add Snappi tabs, but I am soooo not waking Bibbit up for sizing...

I have also been reading about baby-led weaning (BLW). I'm not in any way ready to wean Alex, but he started refusing anything pureed. But he still wants our food. So I decided to give it a whirl. He loves to play with the food... Mostly. He gets angry pretty fast if he can't get as much as he wants in his mouth. But it sometimes keeps him happy enough that I can scarf a few bites of my own food. 
Cheese Ravioli

More Cheese Ravioli
Cous-Cous and green beans... Yes, it's on his head!

Also, we finally killed the yeast rash! After the EVCO, I got some nasty-ass-itin powder. But it STILL came back. So, we got some internal medication, because I was terrified it would develop into a systemic infection, which can be deadly. It seemed to work, but he's still a bit rashy everywhere, and I suspect he has eczema. We're trying a hazelwood necklace right now before I go to any steroids for it. He's only been wearing it for a few hours now, but I'll keep you all updated on if it works. I'm hoping it'll work for his reflux, too, if it works at all for anything. His appointment with the pediatric GI isn't until January 4th. 

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