Tuesday, November 23, 2010

All I want for Christmas...

Is a Silhouette...
Well, not All, but I think one would come in handy. I mentioned having one a while back to GW. He wanted some more info (as always). First things first: price. And of course, I got shot down immediately. Then: what would I use it for anyway? Answer: EVERYTHING!!! ANYTHING!!! YES!!! He didn't like that much, either. I think he's having visions of me sticking fancy letters on everything, like "Light Switch", "Door", and "I Love Lamp". But he did concede that if I could find one super-cheap (i.e., free), then I could have it. And then I could make fancy, pretty things with cutouts and designs and all that jazzy stuff.

I can also see my mother drooling with envy. She used to make fancy cut out Christmas cards with a razor blade. It was hours of time-consuming work, and they were beautiful.

I had also had visions of super-cute stencils for Alex's plain onesies.

1 comment:

  1. Oh My, I've never even heard of that before, but now I want one too. Awesome tool, and the fun you could have with it!


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