Monday, November 22, 2010

Blame It On The Moon.

Waiting on diapers to finish washing. Listening to Jack scratch like a mad cat at the door.

My kittehs have full moon madness. Paris has been spending most of her time staring at the corner of the bathroom downstairs for no apparent reason. I picked her up to give her some love, and try to reassure her that all was right with the world, and she started to growl. Hella is hissing at EVERYTHING. Puff is meandering around telling everything how pretty she is. Scoot is following Jack, tearing at the carpets, and swiping at shadows. Jack has that wild look in his eyes that means some serious shit is about to go down, and he's going to be the one to cause it.

It's not just the cats, though.

Last night, we went to LL Bean to get GW a coat. (He needed one last year, but wouldn't do it. /sigh... men...) Alex was a perfect angel in the store. Everyone thought he was "So adorable!!" in his sling. There were quite a few comments about how alert he was. The man at the checkout said he was very bad at guessing ages, but let him try. The last one he'd been off by six months. He guessed four and a half. Not bad, since he's 5 (ish). And then we had to go home... Angel no more. He screamed. A lot...

For the last couple of days, it seems like every time we go somewhere in the car, there is someone riding our asses. On our way back, there was someone so close to our bumper that I couldn't see them in the rear-view, and every time I tried to turn around to calm Alex, I got blinded. I was finally so frustrated, I told GW to pull over.
"Ok..." and he did.
The person tailgating us passed, with middle fingers waving high. I'm not sure why they flipped us off, as we were already going over the speed limit by at least 10. Should we have been going faster? I don't think so, the particular stretch of road we were on has a very high population of deer. And we don't feel like flipping a deer again, if we can help it. (I'll probably relate that story some other time.)
So anyway, we pulled over, and I got Alex out of his seat to feed him. My boobs hurt, and he decided after a few minutes that noms were good. Noms make everything better. And although I was livid at the idiots who thought we should have been going faster, well, noms make everything better. Then, we started making friends. A few people slowed as they passed by our stopped car. Then, a car slowed that had pretty blue lights on it. The officer who stopped asked us if we were in need of assistance. "To Protect And Serve" was boldly emblazoned on his car. We declined, and explained why we stopped. He went on his way, and Alex finished his comforting. (And still cried most of the way home, until he fell asleep.)

Today (er, Sunday, rather) we went to a turkey dinner at GW's dad's, because we won't be going to T-Day there (we're going to his mom's side of the family... maybe...). For some odd reason, we kept getting even more tailgaters. I was vastly annoyed. Blame it on the moon.

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