Thursday, November 18, 2010

Does the spit-up ever end?

I'm guessing the answer is a big fat NO.
Alex's swallow study didn't go too well. He hated the stuff, even though he was absolutely starving. He drank less than 2 ounces of it. So of course, they didn't see any reflux going on. The doctor was a jackass, even after someone told him that GW is their IT guy, and to tone it down a little. The guy completely ignored me as if I was invisible. (I was livid, but was able to wait until we got back to the car a couple of hours later to flip out. That poor man I'm married to doesn't know what to do with me, or our miserable baby.) When the nurse called me, she said that there was nothing to do, Alex was fine, he was just going to be a spitter, it wouldn't hurt him, and there aren't any other medications they can use other than Zantac. All of which I know isn't true.  The poor kid is in fits half the time from silent reflux, and the rest of the time he either spends trying to make up for lost calories, or spitting sour milk all over me (and GW, and the floors, and the cats...).

The same nurse who said there was nothing wrong with him also told me that I should just "put him on formula and stop wasting my time" breastfeeding him. And that "formula is just as good, if not better" than breastmilk. WTF. What era is she from?? Does she not know that formula SUCKS?? And that there's no way it can ever be as good as mom noms? I'm not bashing the people who NEED to use formula, btw. There is a place for it, or it wouldn't exist. One of my cousins was both milk protein and lactose intolerant, so I know. And I know the pain her mother went through finding out that she couldn't breastfeed her daughter. It isn't always a choice of convenience.

On the same note... You may find this gross, but I convinced GW to taste some mom noms (and joked that he'd probably need one of his lactose pills). He said it was good, and it didn't bother him like cow's milk does. Not that he had a lot, just enough for a flavor. He said it was very sweet. We'd been debating about letting Alex have fruit purees, because of the sugar content. Tasting the mom noms & comparing them to the fruit has proved that mom noms are sweeter than fruit, so all is well...

And Alex can now have things with fruit. So far, he's tried pearsauce (like) and applesauce (dislike) in addition to his avocado. We also gave him some green beans (home made from freshly steamed beans), and he was not really impressed at first, but he got used to them. I have a freezer bag full of "green bean squares" now. They didn't really want to stay in circles like the nice, obedient avocado. I sort of put them in a pile, and smoothed them out to a relatively flat surface, and scored the top so that I could break it into smaller portions once it was frozen. It worked out pretty well, I think. I made some of the squares smaller for morning meals, and larger ones for evening.

I don't believe in "breakfast foods". I'm the freak who would get up in the morning and open a can of green beans instead of cereal. And eat them with my fingers, because I'm just that lazy. They were also one of the things I'd give TJ for a snack when I wanted to go back to sleep on the couch. They make great toddler snacks, really. Dump a bunch of them in a dish or on a plate, and let them go to town. Sure, you end up with mashed beans in the carpet, but it was easy and it saved me from having to make anything, or worry about him choking on crackers or other un-nutritious things. (canned baby carrots are also good... if you don't have light colored carpets).

I'm trying to remember all the things I did with TJ, and when. It's really hard, because that was 10 or so years ago. And he was a difficult kid in ways of food. I remember that he really liked plain yogurt with peaches (gross!), but for the life of me, I can't remember how old he was when I let him have that. The feeding guidelines have changed so much, that I really don't know what's "right" or "wrong".

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