Friday, November 5, 2010

Christmas is already RUINED.

So, we had a really frustrating day. I woke, gave Alex his Zantac. He promptly barfed it all over the place. And continued to barf all damn day. I'm not talking a little bit of spit up. Barf. Projectile-style. It only got worse when I stepped in some I had missed. (Oh, yeah, it's all up in the bedroom carpet :P) So, the Zantac is officially NOT WORKING anymore. He was fussy and pissy all day.

And the yeast rash has come back. The nasty-ass-a-tin (my word for nystatin) isn't working anymore, either. It's spreading, instead of being made better. It's everywhere. All the way up his back & in his belly button. Possibly on the back of his head as well. I just don't know what else to do.
Disposables are not an option. We tested this yet again, as previously mentioned. I can put one on him overnight, but just ONE in 24 hours, or it's all over. Still gives his butt a horrible, bleeding, painful rash, on top of his yeast infection. For the other times, I have to layer liners & "rig up a system" so that as little of the ointment gets on the diapers as possible. Every time I wash my diapers, I'm basically stripping them to get that crap out, and this is just not working for me, or Alex.
So we're visiting the office on Monday.

So then, when GW comes home, he tells me, just before I'm getting ready to eat, that he's on call for Christmas. Alex's First Christmas. Don't they have someone else for this crap? The last 2 years, he's been on call for Thanksgiving, and spent most of the day traveling to Lewiston to fix their shit.

Lewiston is the only place that EVER calls in problems on a holiday, or even after hours, for that matter. And it's generally stuff that can wait. Nothing life-or-death-OMGZ!-NEED-IT-ASAP!!!-YESTERDAY!-OR-PATIENTS-WILL-DIE!. It's more like "Ummm... I spilled something in/on/around my keyboard, and the keys are sticky. Can you come clean it?". No. No, he CAN'T. HE'S BUSY WITH HIS FAMILY. Which is vastly more important than you spilling Diet Coke or yogurt (yes, that has happened) in your keyboard. You have been told numerous times by the IT staff NOT to eat & drink near your keyboards. SUFFER!!!
>>pant pant pant<<

So anyway, this was just the end. I went & shut myself in the bathroom for 5 minutes & cried. I try and tell myself "at least he has a job", but that doesn't help very much when everything piles up like it did today. And I still have to do the diapers.

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