Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Next Fight: Yeast Vs. Coconut Oil

Nasty-ass-itin failed. Sanitizing my dipes FAILED. Then, this weekend... I gave up. Screw this, I said, and slathered the kiddo from head to toe in EVCO and olive oil, for some severe dry skin patches he was getting. I'd been reading posts that suggested using it to get rid of yeast, but I scoffed. That could never work, right?

I was wrong (again). The rash started clearing up. I kept putting the oil stuff on him everywhere at each diaper change. And it kept improving. Today, the rashyness (yup, I just made up a word) is almost ALL GONE in his diaper area. It looks almost like it did before this whole mess started almost a month ago. It looks beautiful. There are still some spots that aren't covered by his diaper that need some work, namely behind his knees and his belly, but, by and large, it's GONE!!!

I am amazed, and ashamed. I feel horrible that I hadn't done it sooner. How was I to know that the crazy crunchy mamas weren't all that crazy on this one? ;) 

In other news, we saw a different NP for our visit to the doctors yesterday. I hate her. She's an idiot. She didn't listen to a word I said regarding Alex's reflux. She thinks he has pyloric stenosis. I do not, especially since the Zantac was working, but stopped. We did not get a different kind of medication for his reflux. We got nothing, and a date for him to do a barium swallow. I'm not really comfortable with that (radiation IN MY BABY?? WHAT???), but it's the least invasive test they can do. I don't think it's going to help, or show anything I don't know. 

I've been giving him gripe water before he gets really fussy in the evenings, and it seems to help a little with the spitting up and screaming. Last night, he was almost normal. Tonight, he's going to be a monster, though, I already know. He's spent most of the day nursing and sleeping. So he's probably not going to want to go to bed at a reasonable hour. Or maybe he's having a growth spurt, and we will get to bed... And then he'll nurse, nurse, nurse, and drive me batty until I run screaming out of the room.

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