Thursday, September 16, 2010

Selected corset shall arrive tomorrow!

Yeah, I've been stalking it on the USPS tracking. So it should be here tomorrow, and I'll get to see if it works for me. Which is good. This is the one I *finally* chose. I also have a plain black satin over-bust corset which I got at our semi-local "naughty shop", if the floral doesn't work out... The black satin one has a zipper in the front, which will make breastfeeding a hell of a lot easier than hooks.
My only issue with the under-bust is that I'm not sure what I'm going to put under it to cover mah boobies. I had thought that I'd use my favorite silk shirt for layering, but there are white 'oderant stains on it. This is hardly noticeable in the club, but during the day, you can definitely see them. Because of the shirt's delicate nature, I'm hesitant to just scrub them out.
Then I thought of something brilliant!
I could just scrub them, and then re-dye the shirt. But then, will I end up with a shredded black silk shirt that is useless? I just don't know what to do. Dammit.
I hate hitting a wall with all my ideas, which will always happen when I go off half-cocked like I do... Like the dress I spray painted black, and turned into a painful dress of pain, then wore to GFAK '08. But damn, it did look good.

In other news, my brilliant idea to make some cloth diapers (to save us some money) has turned into a project of projects (and I don't think we're actually going to save anything by me making them). This half-baked idea was inspired by the hundreds of BabyCenter moms who make their own cloth. Then, every time I turn around, I find out there's something more I need to do it right. I finally have all the stuff to start making some practice dipes, with more materials on the way.
I'm upcycling a pair of my old Tim Horton's work pants (yup, I did the "barista" thing for a while) as the outers for my practice runs. I bought some microfiber towels from the automotive section (I was told they're a cheaper alternative to buying by the yard, and it's the same stuff, really, it is!) for inserts, and some microsuede that was $2.00 a yard. The PUL (which will be hidden) I got at Joann Fabrics. I already had some elastic- it was left over from reconstructing my maternity jeans (I got too big for them).
And I picked up an el-cheapo snap kit just to try them out.
Oh, and the Velcro I got wasn't the right kind (it was sticky-back) the first time, so I had to get some more that was non-sticky...
And then I got a rotary cutter, and a board for that, too.
So, yeah. Not as easy (or cheap) as I was planning at all.    

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