Sunday, October 24, 2010

Busy Saturday: First Real Food, Kitteh Nommin', and Dawn's Party

Alex has been begging at the table for well over a month now, so we thought we'd give some "real food" a try. I know it's a little earlier than the general crunchy recommendations, him being about 4.5 months. The only readiness cue he didn't have was being able to sit totally unassisted. (He can, but only for a few seconds.) His head control has been advanced since he was born, and he no longer has the tongue-thrust reflex. He's been making chewing motions and lunging at my plate, and trying to steal my utensils for a while.
We decided to start with avocado instead of cereal. I explained why to GW, and after some questioning, he said fine. I smushed some up and added a little bit of expressed milk to it. Bibbit freakin' loooooved it!
>begin atomic photobomb!<

And then later, Scoot got lovered an then eated a little bit. GW is not in boxers, BTW. Those are his "laundry day" shorts. 

 Then, we decided to piss Alex off entirely. We took him to Dawn's party. He cried almost the whole time. It was loud, and he was quite overwhelmed by all the attention. Everyone wanted to hold him & love him, but he just didn't want any part of that at all. So all the pictures from there look the same. Crying baby, bouncing relative.
SIL getting a face full of fussy Bibbit

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the pictures of him and the cat! WAY cute! My cat wants NOTHING to do with NG and It makes her so sad. It's pathetically cute!


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