Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It was worse than I thought it would be...

Yesterday sucked worse than I had anticipated.
I woke up to a pain on the top of my ear. Then, I heard the distinct buzz of a mosquito. A mosquito BIT ME ON THE EAR! WTF! What kind of idiot mosquito bites you on the ear??? I spent about ten minutes, trying not to wake Alex, and kill the mosquito. It bit me on the back. It landed on Alex's head. Where I slapped it (and killed it) but it woke Alex up. *Sigh* I gave him noms, and he went back to sleep. I rolled over and went back to sleep.
The next time I woke, it was because my back was cold. And wet. Alex had projectile spit-up on my back. Fabulous. I changed both of us, and gave him more noms, but he wasn't happy, I didn't have enough.
I made him a bottle from some frozen milk. While he was screaming at me and thrashing in his sling. When it was done, he didn't want it.
He only slept for 5 minute intervals for the rest of the day. I was able to eat some salami. and a small piece of chocolate. I didn't get time for anything else. I did, however, remember to take my vitamin. Go me. :P
By the time GW got home, I was a nutcase.
He took screamy, fussy Alex, and told me to go do something else. YAY! I went caterpillar hunting with my camera. I could only find one of the five we know about. *sigh*
Alex stayed fussy most of the evening. After I finally decided what I wanted to eat, and was almost finished, the squirrels came back. Eff my life. Then Alex woke up, and wanted noms. So, I tried to do that, but had to stop. Squirrels again. Uuuggghhh... I had to run downstairs, dump Alex in GW's lap, and run to the bathroom.  Thankfully, we have one on each floor. Spent about 10 minutes listening to GW try to calm Alex before I could safely come out again.
I hate my broken body. My supply is still low today, but I'm still drinking and trying to grab a bite to eat when I can, and hoping the squirrels don't come back. Alex is sleeping in his swing. But, he smiled at me today, really big smiles. When he does that, it makes everything so much better.  

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