Saturday, October 22, 2011

Witch City

Trip was... Eventful...? I guess you could say...
Nearly got T-boned by an old lady on the way in.
I had to pee SOOOO BAD!!! that I thought my bladder was going to explode while we drive around looking for a place to park. All the garages & lots were full.
Saw a port-a-potty, made Heather pull over to let me out while she kept searching, so she & I were separated for a bit, but found each other with the use of our cellphones. I ended up getting into the car a few blocks down.

Finally, after about another hour & a half of looking, we found someone who was leaving, so we waited for their spot. It was only a 2-hour spot, but we talked to the meter maid, to ask if she knew any other places to park...
She listed all the garages & lots we'd been to. She felt bad that we'd been looking so long, and told us that they stop ticketing at 5, and that was only a half an hour after the meter would expire. She insinuated that she "might forget" to check that lot, and we "maybe" wouldn't get a ticket if we "accidentally" stayed there too long.
Then when the other people were finally leaving, some wench tried to take our spot that we'd been waiting 15 minutes for. Almost had to get out of the car & have a throw-down.

After that, it was pretty much smooth sailing. We wandered around, shopped, took pictures, all that fun touristy stuff.

We also had tickets given to us by a couple who was leaving town for one of the Witch City attractions, so we chose to go to the wax museum.

But the crowning glory of our trip was this...

  Wait, wrong picture. Never mind.
Eh hem. Moving on.
I found a quilt shop! But it was closed. (insert super sad face here.) :( While I was pouting, one of the ladies inside came to the door, and asked if we'd like to come in, because I looked so sad...
I was originally looking for Heather Ross prints, but they didn't have any in.
However, they did have the Alexander Henry Ghastlies! SQUEEEEEEEEE!!! While one of the ladies was cutting, she offered me the last 7/8th that they had of Ghastlie Evening!
So yeah. Score!

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