I woke up early this morning to an attack of what GW & I affectionately call " the squirrels"... i.e., IBS. Not nearly as cute as this little guy who raids our bird feeder. It feels like I have about ten of them running around in my guts and chewing me from the inside out. It was bad. I even threw up.
Thankfully, GW also wasn't feeling well, and had stayed home from work. So when I had to run to the bathroom, Alex wasn't alone. I guess if I didn't have help, I'd have to bring him with me. The thought kind of grosses me out, making my baby spend all that time in the bathroom, but I don't know what else I could possibly do in that case. I'm sure it will happen sometime.
Holly had planned a BBQ dinner for Heather, who's 35th birthday was Saturday. I was feeling better by then, so we went. Every birthday for Heather is extremely precious to us. We almost lost her to liver failure about 8 years ago. She's only alive today thanks to a motorcycle accident, and the resulting donated liver. The doctors never found out why her liver failed at such a young age. They have theories, but no real reason as to why it happened. But, she's doing just fine. Her doctors say that her liver function is now indistinguishable from a healthy, normal liver. She is even allowed to have moderate amounts of alcohol now.
Heather had no idea we were coming to Holly's. She was thrilled to see us, and we all had a good time.
I just feel so worn down. Not just physically, emotionally, too. When I have an attack of the squirrels, I always feel this way after for a couple of days, I guess. Tomorrow will probably suck just as bad. It takes a lot out of me (no pun intended). I hope I feel better so that I can properly care for Alex. Even the act of feeding him was exhausting, and frustrating, I didn't make as much milk as usual from loosing all that water. Feeding had us both in tears a couple of times. It seems like no matter how much I drank, I couldn't keep up with his need. I'm going to try to keep chugging Gatorade tonight, and hoping my supply improves. Again... Bllllaaaahhh...
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