For anyone who doesn't know, I'm not Christian, and I don't wish to offend anyone. Ok, getting that out of the way...
I worship Cheezus. I am the High Priestess of Cheezus. In the Pantheon, we also have Saint Bacon, Saint Garlic and some assorted others. But Cheezus, Bacon and Garlic are the most important ones. You can worship Cheezus in his many forms of tasty noms. These are what is served during communion. Send donations to the Church of Cheezus to my PayPal account, thanks! Then we can haz more Bizkits! ^.^
You will need:
1 8 oz. rectangular block of your most favorite Cheeze. (We like to use Extra Sharp Cheddar, or Jalapeno Jack)
1 8 serving size of crescent rolls (Any brand, reduced fat variety)
Cooking spray
1 13x9 or similar pan
Tinfoil to line said pan
That's it. That's all you need. And... BEGIN!
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
While oven is preheating, get drunk. Ehhem. I mean...
Line your pan with tinfoil, and spray the bottom with cooking spray. Then...
CUT THE CHEEZE! (immature giggle) into 8 equal portions, approximately 1 oz each, like thus:
Then, open your rolls. (Mine 'sploded all over the place, so these came out all a mess, and no pictures)
Separate your rolls, then wrap the Cheeze.
After you've wrapped it, smush the sides together, so they form somewhat-evenly covered blocks.
Then, when you've wrapped & smushed, STABBY STAB STAB!!!
Ok, not really. Make nice pretty holes in the tops so you can see the Cheeze, and arrange them so they are equally distant from each other like you have OCD.
I sprinkled these ones with garlic powder for extra nomness.
Bake for 15 minutes, then turn the pan if your oven sucks like ours does, then bake for 6 more minutes.
Then comes the hard part. Waiting for the Cheeze Lava to cool, so you can eat them.
Voila! Cheezus Communion Bizkits! Some will always be 'splody, but that's ok. They are still totally nom.