I am a wife. How it all went down was...
I called Heather to find out when Eric was getting out of work, since they'd be our signing witnesses. Eric got out at 5, so it'd have to be after that... So, we called our Reverend (heh hehe, riiiight... he really is, we just think it's funny) around 2-ish to see when he & his wife (she's a notary public) would be available. We settled on 6-ish. Ian & Inge would meet us at the cemetery, and (since we'd forgotten to ask the night before) their services would be free.
I called Heather back, and made some final arrangements with her (what flowers I wanted, etc.), and then had to rush around getting my dress & makeup together.
We left the house at around 3:40, with an unhappy baby who was missing his cuddle time. I sent Heather a text to let her know we'd left the house. There was no way we could have heard each other if I'd called, Alex was pitching an unholy fit.
Alex finally fell asleep about halfway to Portland, and then I asked GW if he'd remembered the paperwork. I got an open-mouthed stare, and an "Oh, SHIT!". uggghhhhh... He'd left it on his desk.
We debated for about 5 minutes- should we go back and get it, or should we just keep going? We decided that dropping me off, leaving sleeping Alex in the car, and GW going back for the papers was the best idea. Then I could get ready without having to tend to an extremely pissed off infant.
I sent a text to Heather telling her that the papers were at the house. She freaked out and called me, and I told her the master plan. She told me she was running out to get a cup of coffee & the flowers. She'd be back before we got there.
However, Heather had not gotten back when we arrived. Turns out, a yard sale caught her eye. Sheesh. But, she did find some black ribbon there, and bought it to wrap the flowers with. I sat on the porch chatting with her landlord who was trying, (and failing) to fix the screen door spring until she got back.
Heather had gotten some pink champagne, some white roses (to match my corset) and some red dried flowery things to make my bouquet. She hung my skirt over her fan to play with it, and fluff it up after being folded in it's bag. Then I commenced dressing. This only took me a few minutes to complete.
Heather messing with my skirt |
Makeup didn't take long, either. I just did some red glitter for my eyes, and lipstick. GW called me to ask if there was anything else I needed from the house, so I reminded him to grab a bottle and some frozen milk.
Holly & Kris showed up about 5:30. We teased Holly mercilessly for getting so wasted the night before. She took it well, but looked like she just wanted to crawl into a hole and die from misery. GW finally showed up at around 5:50.
Holly wanted to hold Alex, because he'd woken up, but we decided it was better for him to just stay in his seat, since we'd be leaving ASAP.
GW finished dressing, and we left at 6. Fortunately, the cemetery is only a couple of minutes away from Heather's by car. I&I were already there. They'd decided to come early and look around. Since Evergreen closes at sunset, and it was nearly time for them to lock the gates, we opted to leave the cars parked outside. GW dropped me & Alex off near the duck pond, so he wouldn't have to be carried in. I slipped his skully outfit over the onesie he had on, and stuck the bottle in his mouth, since he was getting fussy, and he likes to eat at 6. He immediately started to poop. Great... Then a mosquito bit his head. Then it bit me. Through my corset, of course, so I couldn't scratch it.
When everyone was assembled, Ian wanted to take some pictures before the light faded, so we did that, and joked about the ducks, who always seemed to quack at just the right time. Holly kept herself busy with Alex, which allowed him finish his bottled mom noms. A lady walking by with her dog asked if we wanted a group photo, so Ian handed her the camera, and she took a couple.
The actual "ceremony" was short, but I hardly remember what was said. We had told Ian we didn't have any planned vows or anything, and he was ok with that. He began with "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, in front of these ducks..." And GW was kissing me before Ian was even finished saying "man and wife". When we were kissing, somewhere, someone, set off a bottle rocket. So there were fireworks. The whole thing was quite amusing. Then we stood around and chatted, and took more pictures.
Oh Noes! My Parents Is Married?? |
Heather showing off the paperwork envelope (holding my purse) |
Walking out of Evergreen, I shot this photo below, just moments before Alex puked all over Holly, who insisted on carrying him with her everywhere. He got the entire length of her dress, and in her shoe. I think he gets bonus points for the shoe.
After we left the cemetery, we all went back to Heather & Eric's. We decided some type of wedding dinner was in order, and got pizza delivered. Super fancy, I know, right? When we busted out the champagne, Holly wasn't interested (haha!) but she had ginger ale instead.
Poor hungover Holly! |
All in all, things could have gone a lot worse. I'll probably have some better pictures when Ian gets them on a disc for me. The one full-length pic I have just doesn't make my dress looks particularly awesome, but it was, really. Because we care about equality, we decided not to tell any of our family members that we were getting married, because it was such short notice, and people who couldn't have come would be offended. So we thought it was best to offend everyone equally. We'll see how this goes. My parents will be pissed, but meh, it was a nice, short, intimate thing with our friends, and for what it was, it was just right.