Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Martha, You've Done It Again!

As an impulse purchase, I picked up Martha Stewart's Halloween Handbook... Something about those colored contacts she's wearing on the cover just made me have to have it.

Oh. My. Gods.

I had joygasms reading through it, while I'm sitting here waiting for my diapers to wash. Seriously. I always love Martha's Halloween issues, and this one is fab. So many great ideas...
/le sigh... I'm excited about our wedding...

Too bad we had to put it off... because I want to do all this stuff NOW. Like, right this minute. But nooo.... We had to go have a baby instead. :P 
I guess it's all to the good, though, because next year, we'll have more ideas, and time to prepare. It's funny to think that, had Alex not surprised us, I'd be stressing about our party, instead of diaper rash. Cause mostly, we just want to have a frikkin' huge party. 

The getting-married-for-real thing isn't a big deal. Heather just wants some notice (like two or three weeks) in advance so she can make our cake. She's always looking for excuses to use her super-fancy KitchenAid mixer. And we'll be able to find a super-adorable tux for Alex, who will be walking and cuteing at everyone by then. Maybe I'll even get him to dance... Oh, the cuteness!

I already have a dress (in black, of course), I'm back to my pre-pregnancy size already, my ladies (heather, Holly, my sister, and possibly GW's sister) are gonna be all Goth-tastic, one of my DJ friends is doing our music for free as a gift, and our priestess only wants payment in Margaritas (a pitcher full, or however many she can drink without falling over, whichever comes first) and to be able to wear one of her belly-dancing costumes (of course, I said HELL YEAH! to both of her requests)... so that's all we really need anyway. 
Everything else is just icing on our black cake. 
I'm excited for this (did I mention that already?). 
It will be awesome.

Friday, August 27, 2010

I know which ones I hate!

As in, the cloth diapers... As a little FYI, Alex has a tiny waist, and chubby legs. Well, more muscle than chub, but that's irrelevant. He's also a heavy wetter, day or night. So here goes... I put pictures of the colors I recieved.

Ones that are definitely going back:
Thirsties Duo in Ocean Blue

Thirsties Duo:
Hate. The legs are too tight, the waist is too big, and they leave red marks on Alex's chubby thighs. Also, not as absorbent as I'd like. He can't wear this one for very long, so I only put it on him when I'm expecting him to poop right away, and then I have to change him ASAP, because the leg gussets don't work, and crap leaks out. The inside has retained the most stains out of all the diapers. The only thing I like is the color.
Thirsties Wrap- Stormcloud

Thirsties Wrap:
Meh. Not a fan. Same fit issues as the Duo, and again, leaks out the gussets. I've only used it a few times with prefolds & flats. Alex seems to hate it. Again, I just like the color.
Kissaluvs Fitted- I got Lemon.

Kissaluvs Fitted:
Yucky. They don't fit well in the Thirsties Wrap that came with the package. I put it in the GroVia shell, where it fits a little better. BUT, when Alex wets, the whole thing gets soaked. The moisture stays on his skin and turns him red everywhere. Perhaps he's sensitive to the fabric it's made from, but it could be just that he's got pee all over him... They wash well, (no stains from poo) but take FOR-EV-ER to dry.

BG AIO- Twilight 

bumGenius 3.0 All-In-One:
This one leaks sometimes, but I can stuff an extra insert in it to absorb more. It has the same fat waist/skinny leg thing going on that the Thirsties do. The main reason I'll be sending this back is for size, as he's almost outgrown it. The aplix is scratchy, but I can deal with it, I guess. It's very convenient for a quick change, and GW likes it, so I'm getting a few more in the next size up. It also holds stains more than the other 2 bumGenius ones I got, so I'm soaking it before it goes back.

BG V4.0 OS- Grasshopper

bumGenius V4.0 One size pockets (2): 
I recieved one with snaps, and one with aplix. I like the snaps better, but of course, GW likes the aplix. I like using these for longer nap times, because I can stuff both of the inserts they come with to increase their absorbency. The inner lining wicks away moisture, so Alex stays drier. RnG Hard Rock takes out any stains on the lining, but the microfiber inserts still have some light ones. 

GroVia Kiwi

GroVia Wrap (with insert): 
I honestly HATE the insert. It takes eternity to dry, and the top stays wet when Alex pees. Organic cotton sounds great, but in practice, it's a pain in the ass. I like the wrap, however, for my prefolds & flats. It fits Alex really well, and doesn't give him red marks on his chub. I really dislike the color they sent, but meh, he's only pooping in it, right? I considered sending it back... Only I lost the insert... Doh!

My Favorite:

FB Perfect Size- Mint

FuzziBunz Perfect Size Diaper:
OMGS! Luuurrrve this diaper!! It's sooo soft on the inside, I want to wear it as a neck warmer. Just Kidding. Almost. The insert holds a lot, but the whole diaper isn't too bulky. I like the adjustable snaps, and the leg openings fit just right- no red marks. And did I mention it's soft? Well, it's soft. :) It washes up nicely, no stains, except for minor ones on the microfiber insert. (I'm beginning to hate microfiber just for it's stain-retention factor.) We'll definitely be getting more of these. They have an awesome red called Watermelon, I'll be getting some. And it's soft! XD


Prefolds- 2 bleached Chinese Prefolds, 2 Unbleached Indian Prefolds:
They're ok, just regular prefolds, really. The unbleached ones are much softer, but I could just as easily get some Gerber ones at Wal-Mart*. The size they sent is too small already, so I'm sending them back.

Snappi: (mine came in turquoise, very pretty color)
GW thinks it's cool. I did too, I cut my finger on the damn thing. Word from the (now) wise: Be careful when using this. That bitch is SHARP! I now have a ragged, stinging cut on my finger, and I am not happy about it. It's going back. I'll just take my chances with pins (at least they make smaller holes :P).

Imse Vimse Flushable Liners: 
I like these! Lots!! I haven't tried flushing them, but I have re-washed a couple, they work awesome for poop. I know it says you can just throw BF baby poo in the washer, but I don't like doing that. I have to rinse them off first (yay OCD!), and these caught most of the solid bits, so I didn't have to do as much. The liners were actually a bit too big for the diapers, so I cut them in half. So it was like getting 10 instead of 5. Bonus! Some poo leaked off, but not too bad, it still saved me a lot of work. I've ordered the Bummis liners, as it says they're softer, and safe for septic systems. Imse Vimse didn't say anything about a septic system.

I guess I should say that:

No one paid me to write all this crap up. 

These are my own opinions, and your experience may vary. 

Did I mention the Fuzzibunz are soft??? XD

I have to edit this and say: 
GW forgot to send the diapers back to their home. I gave the Kissaluvs another go, and it still burns Alex's skin, so I won't be using it. Anyone want to give it (or any of the other dipes I wanted to send back) a good home? :D
I have become much better at using a Snappi, too. I'm much more careful with it now. Bummi's liners are softer, indeed, but they shift around a lot, the size I got is a tad too narrow. I don't use them very much, except when I'm expecting a big poo. FB's are still my favorite, and make up most of my stash now. Because they're soft.
*The prefolds are now beyond small, but they are great for stuffing my home made pockets with. Also, I discovered that Gerber prefolds aren't made like the ones I have anymore. I guess that now, they use poly stuffing, which doesn't absorb. Who'd a thunk it? Cha-cha-cha-cha changes...

Friday, August 20, 2010

Happy Birthday H.P.!

I was reminded that today is H.P. Lovecraft's birthday. If he were alive, he'd be... drum roll please... 120. That's pretty old. Yikes. Anyway, I just finished reading a bunch of his stories. I especially enjoy the ones from his dream cycle- the imagery is beautiful, to say the least. Although I do not like scary books, I like his stories, because they're not scary... Even though you often find them categorized with others of the "horror" genre. Long live Thulu! Woohoo!

So... That's awesome, hun.

GW & I have an open communication policy. As in, when our exes and/or former lovers communicate with us, we're open about it. The science behind this is if we're telling, we're not hiding anything. And sometimes, the crazy stuff they do is amusing.

So, a couple of weeks ago, I got a random text ("Is this still your number?") that turned out to be from Mr. Wonderful, who I haven't heard from in, oh, about a year and a half, at least. So, oh course, I related this text conversation to GW. I'm guessing that Mr. Wonderful heard from my brother about my succesful pregnancy, and was ticked off, but of course, I didn't mention Alex to him at all. It only occurred to me after that that may have been the reason for his sudden interest.

Yesterday, GW got a Facebook message from his ex-wife. He'd forgotten thier wedding anniversary. :P She's all re-married and had a kid of her own with her new hubby, and she still won't leave off.  She wrote something like how she was thinking of him, and wondered what her life would be like if they'd stayed together, and that Alex is a really cute baby, she wonders, if they'd had a baby like she wanted, what would it look like... blah blah blah.

Part of the reason he left for good was that she was pushing to have a baby, and he thought (at the time) that he never wanted kids. They had a "trial separation", and when he came back, she laid down "Either we start trying now, or we're through'", so that was it.  

What is with our crazy exes?

GW thinks it's because we're so awesome, they can't give up. Uh huh. I'm sure that's it. My theory is that they're just crazy control freaks who can't leave well enough alone.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

SHE'S DEAD! (happiness & a recipe to celebrate!)

In honor of Andariel's death- yep that's right, she's finally toast, we can celebrate now!- I'm sharing a favorite recipe of mine. How that came about was... Her squashing was a family event. Jack chased her down the stairs Monday night while I was giving Alex a bath. GW looked to see what he was torturing, and said "WOW! That's a huge spider!" Hands full of naked, wet, shrieking, squirmy baby, I scream, "KILL HER!! KILL HER NOW!!!" So he obediently smushes her for me, and shows me her ravaged corpse. I am filled with unholy glee. And then Alex pees in his bath water. Moving on...

OK, so, the recipe. Right...

When TJ asks me to make "a pudding", he doesn't mean a cake, or just a package of pudding. What he means is my recipe derived (and improved upon, in our opinion) from Dirt Cups. It's so easy, I can make it in my sleep. That's probably a bad idea. But I can make it even if I'm seriously sleep-deprived. I made it the day after we came home from the hospital. So I'm going to share it, because it's fabulously yummy. Kids can help, even little 'uns.

Cooking is an art, and should be fun.

What you need:
A rolling pin or just something that'll crush stuff. (I've used a hammer before... That was FUN!!)
A plastic baggie, preferably zipper kind, the bigger the better. I recommend a gallon-sized freezer bag.
A rubber spatula, or large spoon. Or both. Yes, both. Or even just 2 large spoons. Whatever.
A big bowl for mixing in.
A container to put crushed cookies in.
Something to put your finished creation in. I use a 2 qt. Pyrex baking dish.

1 4-serving size package of instant pudding
1 8 oz container of frozen whipped topping, thawed.
1 1.1 lb package of Oreos (minus 6-8 cookies)

What you do:
Step 1: 
This is the fun part... CRUSH!! the cookies. Smash the everlivin' hell outta them. Really. If you're using a hammer, use the side, not the end. It's more efficient, and won't break the bag. (From personal experience, cleaning up crushed cookies sucks.) It doesn't have to be perfect and evenly smushed. Chunks are all good. Use your spatula (or spoon) to scrape the cookies off the baggie into a bowl. Lick the baggie clean.
Step 2:
In the large bowl, mix the pudding up according to the package directions, and chuck it in the fridge to set for 5 minutes. Remember the 6-8 cookies you set aside? Eat them now. After at least 5 minutes, or when your cookies are gone, take the pudding out, and dump the whipped topping in the bowl. Mix the pudding & topping (gently) together. Then add about 1/2 to 1 cup of the crushed cookies, and mix. If it doesn't look like enough cookies to you, put in some more.
Step 3:
Divide the remaining cookies into thirds. Put 1/3 of them in the bottom of your serving dish. Add 1/2 of the pudding mix. Repeat the layers with the remaining cookies and pudding. You should have a layer of cookies on the top. Lick the bowl. If your bowl is too deep to get your face in, feel free to use your fingers. Mmmmm....
Step 4:
This is the hard part. Put your creation in the fridge to set for at least an hour. If you can't wait, fine. Be that way. But I like it when the cookies get soft, and the flavors mingle a bit.
Step 5:

You may have noticed I didn't specify any flavors of pudding or cookies. I meant to do that. I will only offer some suggestions as a starting point. Get creative, and tell me what you used... We're always looking for new ideas to change it up!

We have tried and liked:

Mint cookies & chocolate pudding

Original & chocolate pudding

Golden cookies & vanilla pudding, with bananas mixed in... You'll need about 3 perfectly ripe (very yellow, with some brown dots) bananas. Chop up 1 1/2, and mix into the pudding with the crushed cookies. Cut the other 1 1/2 into circles, and layer on top of the cookies in the first & 2nd layers (none on top).
I left it in the fridge overnight before we ate it. It. Was. Divine. After about 5 days or so, the bananas start to ferment, and it will taste funky. At that point, you probably shouldn't eat it. Trust me.
You could probably do the same with any other fresh fruit, but I couldn't tell you how much fruit to use. Strawberries sound really good right now.

Next we're trying peanut butter Oreos with French vanilla pudding. I have everything to make it. I just need to do it. It should be yum.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Got My Cloth Diapers!

I ordered a sampler pack from Jillian's Drawers on Friday night, and got them today. I was so confused and overwhelmed by all the choices, so this was perfect for us!

But...This is how the mail person left them...

At first, I was infuriated. Then I was amused, and decided it was worth a photo. At least others can laugh too.
I'm excited to try out all of them, and we actually did use a couple earlier this evening. Tomorrow, I'm going to try to use cloth all day, and see how it goes. I'm expecting that I'll run out, and have to do laundry again tomorrow night, but it'll be worth it to find out which ones I hate.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Why waiting 42 weeks was a good idea

I'm posting this by request for my online friend, Pam, who writes the blog Natural Birth For Normal Women. She's great, really, and is one of the GO's for my VBAC support group. I posted this on the the board on 8.2.10.

We just got back from Alex's Dr's appointment. We had had questions about his breathing- it was raspy at the hospital, and they said it was normal, and it'd go away in a week or so. It didn't. He's seven weeks old today, so we were concerned it could be a lung issue.
The doctor said it's not- it's his bronchial tubes & trachea. Despite his large size, they're underdeveloped. She said if he was born any earlier than he was, he would have been in serious trouble, and would have been in the NICU. She said we made the right choice to wait, and not do anything to rush his birth. 
I just thought I'd post this because as hard as it is to wait 42+ weeks, and not cave to your OB's time limits, there might be a reason to keep them in longer. You just never know, and I'm glad I didn't do anything rash like schedule a c/s or induction at 41.

We're still dealing with Alex's breathing issues, with no end in sight. He stops breathing when he sleeps on his back (so much for "back to sleep", right?) so Dr. E advised that he sleep however he breathes best, be it on his side, inclined(like in the swing or car seat), or on his tummy. He does best on his side or inclined, but it's still scary when he rolls over on his back and just stops breathing.  He'll take a huge breath when I poke or wiggle him a little.  
Dr. E said it sounds worse than it is, and the only thing we can can do is wait for his tubes to catch up with his lungs. It'a really horrible raspy sound- like he's having a constant asthma attack.  This issue would not have shown up with amniocentesis testing, because the lungs themselves are just fine. We'd have been fooled by good results, and paid for it. 
We have had quite a few comments about how soft his cry is, and his raspy voice. He's a very quiet baby in general- there are none of the ear-piercing shrieks that TJ was capable of only hours after being born. He does cry, but it's nothing like what I had to deal with before. 
I'm so paranoid about it. Every time we go to sleep, I'm afraid that I'll wake up too late to remind him to breathe if he stops. I'm really terrified. I was never like this with TJ, but of course, I didn't have 4 m/c's hanging over me, and a legit reason to worry. 
Dr. E said co-sleeping with Alex is the best way to prevent anything from happening to him, and it's great that we're doing it by choice. She co-slept with her son, too, because she was too tired to do anything else after a full day at the office. She hadn't intended to, they set up a beautiful nursery, and never used it until he was two. Putting him to bed was just too much of a hassle. Getting up in the middle of the night to make a bottle of formula was absolutely unthinkable, so she breastfed for over a year. 
Dr. E thinks that co-sleeping and breastfeeding are the best solutions for lazy (or just overtired) parents. Never mind that it's better for the baby, it's just easier to do. She asked if I've changed him in the bed yet to avoid getting up. I have. I did the same with TJ, but that was because I couldn't walk. So now I keep a clean diaper by the bed in case I lack the initiative to walk the fifteen feet to the changing table. 
We also found out, at his first appointment, not his most recent one, that Alex has a faint heart murmur. Nothing serious, Dr E will just continue to monitor it at his appointments. She was surprised the NICU team didn't mention it. Or maybe they didn't hear it- it's not constant, and barely discernible. When she tried to listen last time, Alex was screaming at her cold hands. She told him he'd better hush, because with all that, she couldn't have heard him if he had a 6. So he'd better start behaving himself. He was fascinated by the sound of her voice, so he promptly shut up. She said it hasn't improved, but it hasn't gotten worse, so he's still ok there. GW had a murmur when he was little, too, but it went away with time. Puff actually has a grade 6 murmur, so we already know what to look for as warning signs. You can hear Puff's murmur without a stethoscope, it's so bad. Rita, her vet, said that if the scale went beyond 6, she'd give her the highest, it's the worst murmur she's ever heard. So we have to watch her. Now I'm rambling... I'll shut it now.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


New layout, enhanced readability, and COLORS!!! I FRIKKIN' LOVE COLORS!
eh hem.. sorry... I was just a little over-excited. What I meant was, I love some colors, with black. Must have black. I've been looking through the fancy pre-made templates, and really can't find one I just love and OMG's! have to have, so meh, here's a starting point.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

8 Weeks Old! With diaper rash... and misery...

Now in his eighth week of life outside, Alex is going through a growth spurt... again. His routine is: OM NOM MOM!!, poop, sleep. Rinse & repeat, ad infinitum...
While this sounds awesome, it's not.

OM NOM MOM!! takes fooor-eeev-eeer... He's still lazy at the boob.

Poop is actually not so bad. This is when he's happiest. Go figure. I get the best smile pictures when he's pooping.

The sleep part sucks because he's a snugglebug, and only wants to sleep near me. Well, not just near, on. On my boob as a pillow. It brings new meaning to "dirtypillows". Heaven forbid I try to move to get more comfortable, or get up to pee. Or eat. Or do anything else.

And, to top this off, he's got a reoccurring diaper rash. The only thing that fixes it is to put cloth in his g-Diaper covers, instead of the disposable inserts, and covering him in cornstarch. Which he likes to punch off the diaper changing table. I'm learning where he can and can't reach it.

So far, I don't have any "real" cloth liners for the g's, I've been using folded up flannel burp cloths, and they work pretty well. Even when he soaks them, which is every time because he pees a LOT, he doesn't get a rash from it.
The burp cloths are the ones I made in preparation for going to the hospital. Everything there is drenched in chlorine, which I have a severe (almost so bad that I need an epi-pen) allergy to. So I couldn't use (or even touch) any of their cloth stuff. We brought everything from bedsheets to wash cloths. Luckily, I was able to find a dark brown, king size, flannel sheet set for about $16 at J.C. Penney.

It was promptly reduced to the proper sizes for receiving blankets (it made 6 big ones) and the rest went to various other small sizes I thought I might want. I only used the fitted sheet, so I had the flat sheet for the L&D bed. It was more than large enough to double over. I'm thinking about chopping up the flat for diaper liners, too, even though I had wanted to use it on the bed this winter as an additional non-bulky co-sleeping-safe layer. *sigh*

Maybe I'll just buy a new flannel sheet when the time comes... I don't know. The dark brown was great, because there are absolutely no bloodstains on any of the stuff I made. I'm not sure if it's the color that hides it, or if it's the detergent I use, Rockin' Green. (which does rock) Short story: It's made for cloth diapers, but I use it on everything because my skin's so sensitive, and we have really hard water.
We live on the same aquifer that Poland Spring uses for their bottled water. Our well water tastes FABULOUS, but, it's ridiculously hard to find soap that washes well in it. I tried a sample size, because I wanted to see if it could fix my skuzzy sheets, and fell in love. So now, it gets used for everything.

So, back to the Great Diaper Dilemma. I'm trying to convince GW that we need to switch to cloth exclusively. He thinks it'll be a pain in the ass. Well, Alex's ass is in pain, so there. :P Sure, it's costly to start doing, but I'm thinking of all the $$$ (and landfill space) we'll save in the long run. I don't mind doing laundry, and rinsing out crappy cloth doesn't bother me either.
He's given me the go-ahead to get a few to try out, since today I tried using the 'sposies again, and the rash came right back... We'll see how this works, once I get them. I'm still deciding on what ones I'd like to try, though...
There's sooo many options, it's kind of overwhelming.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Goth Fly A Kite

I am soooo late posting this, it's disgusting.
GFAK 2010

Goth Fly A Kite is an annual event held by... Us. Us goths. It takes place on a given Saturday in June, at Fort Williams park, in Cape Elizabeth, Maine.
It started as a "Hey, let's get all gothy and go fly kites!" And it grew... This year, attendance was over 200 people. I don't have the actual figures, but it was huge... Another GFAK was held on the same day in Seattle. Next year, we hope to go international.

I have only missed a few of them, but generally I get to go to the after-party. Not this year, of course, as Alex was only six days old. He was the youngest attendee. So, what do we do? Bring out the baby bats, sun hats, parasols, and puppies! Did I say puppies! I meant PUPPIES!!! OMG CUTE PUPPIES!!! Then we BBQ, fly kites, play kickball (I didn't this year, I was beat from giving birth), generally enjoy being outside, and hope we don't get burned too badly.

This year, there was an interesting addition to our festivities... A group of Ultra-Religious decided to serenade us with songs detailing how we were all going to burn in hell. Hmmm... We were not really impressed. The singer was dreadful. The guitar player, however, was pretty good. Someone offered him a place in their band. Said guitar player declined the invitation.

The song preachers... and one guy who doesn't care.
My mother was actually accosted by one of the women while she was visiting the port-a-potty. "I'm not going to judge you, because I'm not judgmental, but you are dressed like a whore and you're going straight to hell." Wow. Not judging, huh? My mother was livid, but because she's not a judgmental person, and she prefers not to get into verbal confrontations with idiots, she said, "Oh, well, that's too bad you think that," and walked away.

GW even got one of the people he works with (a doctor) to bring his daughter (and what he calls her "ragamuffin friends") this year. I think Dr. J had a grand time, he was everywhere, helping little kids with their kites, laying around in the grass, and smiling like the Cheshire cat on The Nip. There were quite a few people asking us "Do you know that guy?", and we had to admit we did. They thought it was pretty awesome that he came- even if he was dressed like he walked out of a Polo catalog. Hey, it takes all kinds, right?
Here's a few of my favorite photos from the event:
TJ, Kim, & Mum
The reason I got a nursing cover... Just look at those engorged boobies! OW!!
This one is just "Awwwww!" I had it made into a 5x7 for our picture wall :)
These are taken by one of my friends, A. D. Cnaan
Umbrella Installation
Bet meeting who she bought presents for
Telling my birth story to Suzie & Bet
Not sure what that face was all about...

TJ... Wore his shirt backwards that day.
Mum & her melty popsicle
My lovely Sisterface with her melty popsicle
And me with my melty popsicle.

If you're interested in finding out more, check out:

Friday, August 6, 2010

Nursing In Public

I'm famous! Or, at least, my boobs are! :D GW informed me that one of his co-workers wanted to put a picture of me feeding Alex up in the hospital lobby. I said sure, which one? It was this one:

She said it was "just beautiful". She especially liked my nail polish. It was taken (by me) not more than an hour after Alex was born. I was still in the L&D room, it was during our first BF session.

I'm not shy about feeding in public- and that's about as public as it gets. Aside from putting a picture on teh interwebs. I figure if hundreds of perfect strangers walking into the hospital lobby are going to see it, it doesn't bother me to have it here for everyone else to see, too.

I recently got a nursing cover (see post below). I hardly ever cover in public, because it's a pain in the ass. But sometimes, I do. Why? Sun. The EVIL SUN! We have sunshades in the car(If we're out, I prefer to feed Alex in the car because it's much more comfortable than a bench or chair, and less dirty than plopping myself down wherever on the floor), but they don't always work as well as I'd like them to. There are gaps, etc., and the sun gets in Alex's eyes. He hates it- and so do I. There's nothing worse than trying to feed a baby who's crying & fussing because the sun is blinding him. And, him being so little, I can't put sunscreen on him. So I'll be using it to prevent burns as well.

Later, I expect it to come in handy when he wants to look around. TJ was a distracted nurser, and it was painful. I figure this is akin to putting blinders on a shy horse, but it should work. TJ became a master at ripping off the blanket in a very short time.
I have already received the cover- the material is light, so it shouldn't get too hot. This will be a much better solution than putting a flannel blanket over us when it ten bazillion degrees out, without the worry that he's going to suddenly rip it off me, and getting eyefuls of evil sunbeams.

Almost everyone in the family is ok with me feeding Alex whenever/wherever I please... Except GW's brother. He has nothing against breastfeeding in general, he says, but he'd prefer not to view my breasts. Just mine. If it was a stranger, he wouldn't care. Where is the logic in this? He doesn't want to see GW's "property"- like it would be a horrible transgression. GW has tried to explain that he doesn't care, it's not sexual in any way. What is so different about BF and camp? There's very little room for modesty there- it's a one-room cabin. I've heard him getting down with his girlfriend more than once. Maybe I should mention that, in front of the rest of the family, and watch him blush. I'm so tempted to... Oh, the evil things I think of saying...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Free Nursing Cover For World Breastfeeding Week!! :D

I got this in my email, and wanted to share with everyone! I got the black one (of course!)

Hi Kitti,

This week (August 1st - 7th) is World Breastfeeding Week and we wanted
to show our support for breastfeeding so we are running a promotion where
you can get any of our nursing covers (regular price $32) free! The code is
"Breastfeeding". If you're not currently nursing, this is your chance to
stock up on great baby shower and Holiday gifts and a great promo code to
pass along to your expecting friends - (they will thank you)! 

Once you get to www.uddercovers.com, click on "Shop Now" and select the
cover you would like. Type Breastfeeding into the promo code box
and it will bring your product total to $0. All you pay is the shipping
fees. You can use the code more than once - you just have to open a new
browser window to do so. 

You can also use this promo code to get a 3 piece gift set for only $5!
They are currently in stock and selling fast so please hurry and good Luck!

Jenny Pierce

Monday, August 2, 2010

I Love My Sister!!

So, my sister and I were chatting on Facebook- I posted this picture before she left to go see her not-boyfriend....

After she got there, I'm guessing they went to a mall or something...

Because I got this text...

"i promise i didnt go in but how rediculas is that??"

Included was this picture... 
And I agree...  "rediculas".
She may not be the brightest crayon in the box, but I love her anyway.